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How Does a Nuclear Detector Function?
A nuclear radiation detector is a device that measures radiation levels for early warning and general monitoring systems...
Are Nuclear Tests Banned? A Comprehensive Look
The Test Ban Treaty, signed in Moscow on August 5, 1963, was ratified by the United States Senate on September 24, 1963...
Are Nuclear Test Sites Still Radioactive?
At present, very little radioactivity can be detected from weapons tests conducted in the 1950s and 1960s in the...
Who First Detected the Chernobyl Disaster?
The Forsmark plant, located an hour north of Stockholm, was the first to detect the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986.This ...
Can We Detect a Nuclear Attack?
A new study sponsored by the American Physical Society has concluded that the United States' systems to intercept...
What is Gamma Radiation Decay?
Gamma radiation is a type of nuclear decay that consists of pure energy. It is one of four forms of decay, the other...
How to Safely Test Nuclear Energy?
What are the safe ways to test nuclear energy? In terms of human exposure, the increased incidence of thyroid cancer in...
Can You Drive After a Nuclear Scan?
When it comes to nuclear scans, it's important to take certain precautions. Although you will receive a very small dose...